International Summer School in Glaciology

The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) has organized biennial summer schools in glaciology since 2010 open to graduate students in glaciology around the world. The course scheduled for 2020 and then postponed to 2021 had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The course is held at the Wrangell Mountains Center in McCarthy, Alaska.

7-17 June 2024

Application deadline: 10 January 2024

We received 121 applications for the available 28 slots.

The next summer school is planned for June 2026.


Andy Aschwanden (Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks, UAF), Ed Bueler (UAF), Mark Fahnestock, (UAF), Regine Hock (UAF/Oslo Univ.), Martin Truffer (UAF); Karen Alley (University of Manitoba, Canada), Gwenn Flowers (Simon Fraser University, Canada), David Rounce (Carnegie Mellon Univ.); Guest lecturer: Mike Loso (National Park Service).
